Who will take the title of fastest team for 2013?

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Race Bible

The Race Bible can now be found here. Note that in addition to the main 3 lap race, there will be 1 or 2 lap options for teams that prefer a less grueling trial. First time racers (provided you have the license) and kids are all welcome.

Update: Please note the following additions to the race bible - kids under 15 race for free, and there is no restriction on mixed teams.

Also, in keeping with the Team Time Trial format, prizing will be awarded on the following basis: for Best Team (think costumes, a theme, and team spirit), Best Time (in the main event), and Best Trial (this is the most intangible of the rewarded qualities, but suffice to say grit and gumption will be on display).

There will be hot dogs and other post-race festivities, either in the park or at a nearby location, so feel free to stick around and bring friends, family, etc.

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